新的学期已经开始,为了鼓励用户参加我们在线教育训练课程,从2013年八月起,每个月都会准备一份小礼物给幸运的得奖者,因此用户注册课程时时,请填写正确的联络方式 (email) 或电话,活动办法说明如下:
礼品内容: 以行动电源为主,或是等值的电影票、 网络书店的折价券、USB 等。
1. 参加在线教育训练课程,您须具备一台可以上网的计算机,并使用计算机内建的喇叭。如您所用的计算机位于公共区域如图书馆的检索区,请自备耳机。
2. 当月各场次信息请点选 Training Center → 实时课程。
3. 请点选注册 (即报名),填写完数据后,您将收到确认信,请准时与会。
4. 请确认您所注册(报名)的场次所介绍数据库,贵单位有订购,以确保您可以使用该数据库。
5. 如需浏览已往课程录像,请点选 Training Center → 已录制课程。
6. 请于课程开始前12小时完成注册(报名),逾时恕不受理。
7. 各场次时间如无另外说明均为一小时。
8. 各场次开始前10-15分钟即可上线。
9. 场次开始5分钟后,若无人登入,或该场次无人报名都将取消。
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英语场次English Sessions
主讲者:Nicki Cross
Want to attend one of our free web-based training sessions? Click on above link and select the sessions to register!
Pleae Note:
1. You will need to register to attend the event before the event commences. (Training Center→Live Sessions→Upcoming tag)
2. Unless otherwise indicated, the session duration is approximately 1 hour, including questions.
3. All training sessions are conducted in English.
4. Please ensure that the database was subscribed by your library, otherwise, you may not access the database.
5. In order to participate in an online training session, you will need a computer with an Internet connection. For the audio component, you will need a computer with speakers; or a headset that has earphones and/or a microphone. Alternatively, you can use a telephone to dial in for the audio. All the details for the session will be emailed to you once you’ve registered!
6. Please join your training session 10-15 minutes before the start time.